Hello, I’m Grace.

I am the owner, designer, and the maker of Gracium.

Gracium is a small business located in Toronto, Canada.

We make personalized stationery and gifts, and provide quality craft supplies for the makers.



Grace (me) + Terrarium (a small place where things grow)

I made the name by putting two words together, hoping that Gracium becomes a place where I make and grow beautiful things.


I started Gracium in 2017 after completing the PhD in Music Education at the University of Toronto. I wanted to take a break from scholarly works and do something completely different. Craft was my lifelong hobby and I’ve always enjoyed making things for people, so I thought it would be great to start a business and do more of that! I started with an Etsy shop.

I had a creative career - a pianist, church organist, high school math teacher, and elementary music teacher. Gracium was supposed to be a side-job/hobby, but it grew and I loved it so much so I decided to focus on it. While music and teaching are still my passion, being a small business owner is my favourite so far. There definitely had been a learning curve, but it is so worth it. I am looking forward to share my journey on my blog in the near future!


I was born and raised in South Korea. My family moved to Canada when I was Grade 10 and we lived in Toronto since then.

I live in Toronto with my husband and 2-year old daughter. Besides craft and music, I love coffee, sweets (especially donuts), spicy food, color purple, lavender, and a rainy day!